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Burst Breath de l'édition Legacy of Darkness
Carte Yu-Gi-Oh! Cartes à l'Unité Anglais - Legacy of Darkness

Burst Breath (LOD-049)

Rareté : Commune

0,10 €  
Offer 1 Dragon-Type monster on your side of the field as a Tribute to destroy all face-up monsters on the field whose DEF is equal to or lower than the ATK of the Tribute monster.
Tribute 1 Dragon-Type monster; destroy all face-up monsters on the field whose DEF is less than or equal to the Tributed monster's ATK.
Autres éditions
Souffle Ardent de l'édition La Résurrection des Véritables Dragons La Résurrection des Véritables Dragons
(Cartes à l'Unité Français)
SR02-FR0360,25 €

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